(NOT) listening to children
Taking children seriously means taking a child’s wish/decision to go to school seriously too.
When your view suddenly shifts, like when viewing the Gestalt two-face image, it can feel as if Taking Children Seriously has suddenly come into focus—and this paradigm shift creates a virtuous circle of positive change.
Every Education Act since 1870 has clearly intended to place upon parents a substantive duty to educate their children. Therefore, if it were ever found that some legal loophole made that duty vacuous or unenforceable, Parliament would rush to plug the loophole.
Even the junkiest of junk television can be superbly educational—by sparking questions and enjoyable conversations.
The homeschooling mentality turns education into performance—the semblance of education. This interferes with learning.
All interactions implicitly assume epistemological ideas, so it is worth considering what those ideas are and whether they are true or not.
This 1989 workshop advocated taking children seriously, not just ‘autonomous learning’.