Featured today on takingchildrenseriously.com:
💖 Friendly criticisms of Kiss Me, by Carlos González (I recommend this book for prospective parents and parents of babies and very young children)
💟 Don’t tell me I can’t: An ambitious homeschooler’s journey, by Cole Summers: a book review
📘 Kids Are Worth It, by Barbara Coloroso: a book review
❎ Coercive examples in Kids Are Worth It
📒 Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich: a book review
📙 How to talk so your kids will be manipulated
📕 Punished by Rewards
📚 Parenting by the book
📖 The education of Karl Popper
👿 Natural consequences and “enabling”
🥶 Fake choices and other covert coercion advocated in Kids Are Worth It
🤢 The One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest school of parenting
📒 Ivan Illich denounces the internet
📙 A mini Punished by Rewards primer
📕 Never stop reading to your children
🌈 A comment on Anthony O’Hear’s book, Education, Society and Human Nature
📔 Herbert Spencer on children’s rights
📘 Autonomous learning, autonomous life
💃🏻 The courage to dance
📓 An Objectivist’s assessment of Karl Popper
🧠 Karl Popper on the growth of knowledge
(For more articles, see the FAQ or one of the other posts on the site. Feel like writing an article yourself?)