Featured today on takingchildrenseriously.com:
How do you protect children noncoercively?
🧠 How about explaining to your children?
👶🏻 “Explanations are great for older children but how do you protect pre-verbal children without coercion?!”
♒️ ‘Protection’ against a child’s will is coercion not protection
🥶 “There are some issues on which I am authoritarian”
🚛 “What if your child runs into traffic?”
🧩 Parental rules don’t protect children—information does
🧒 Genuinely protecting children versus coercing them
🥵 Making a child feel bad doesn’t help if you’re trying to protect them
💔 Coercively protecting children
🧒🏿 “How do you noncoercively protect a child who wants to visit their friend next door on their own, go to the park on their own, etc.?”
🚨 There is no safety in ignorance
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