Featured today on takingchildrenseriously.com:
Welcome to Taking Children Seriously!
💖 Welcome to Taking Children Seriously!
💟 “What is Taking Children Seriously?”
💎 “Why does parenting feel so hard?”
❎ “Which parenting style is Taking Children Seriously? Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or uninvolved?”
🌝 “If you are not coercing your child, what do you do instead of coercion?”
🧡 Dynamic tradition and children
🍎 Taking children seriously involves taking your own ideas seriously too
💡 “What do you mean by ‘fallible’?”
👿 My heavenly-horrific vision of Taking Children Seriously
🥶 “Children fending for themselves like adults?!”
🧩 “What do you mean by ‘paternalism’?”
🤔 “If children are people just like adults, why should we treat our children any differently from how we treat adults?”
🥰 The can-do attitude
♥️ Taking Children Seriously: a new view of children
🌈 A chat about Taking Children Seriously
🫂 Don’t look down!
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