Children’s rights and the law

Who counts as a rights holder?
– Sarah Fitz-Claridge, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 10, January 1994, p. 5

Who counts as a rights holder?: a critical response
– Professor Lawrence H. White, University of Georgia, Taking Children Seriously 12, May 1994, Letters, p. 3

Thoughts on the legal status of children
– Sarah Fitz-Claridge, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 12, May 1994, pp. 10-15

Questionable motives?
– Sarah Fitz-Claridge, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 12, May 1994, p. 5

Age-of-consent laws fail to protect kids
– Kevin Schoedel, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 13, July 1994, pp. 12-14

Children’s legal status: extracts from a critical response
– Professor Jan Narveson, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 13, July 1994, p. 9

Philosophically valid but socially unacceptable (extracts)
– Dr Alan Thomas, Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 13, July 1994, p. 9

Too risky?: extracts from a critical response
– Nigel Glew, Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, Law Department, Leeds University, UK, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 13, July 1994, p. 9

Thoughts on the legal status of children: a critical response
– Professor Lawrence H. White, University of Georgia, USA, 1994, Taking Children Seriously 14, October 1994, pp. 5-8

Children’s legal status: a defence
Sarah Fitz-Claridge, 1995, Taking Children Seriously 16, March 1995, pp. 6-12

IMPORTANT WARNING: Be aware, everyone, that a number of paedophiles have associated themselves with Taking Children Seriously over the years. (It is not just Taking Children Seriously. Other parents’ sites have had the same problems.) I thought that talking with our children about how paedophiles groom children would protect our children. I was wrong about that. Some of these people pursue their agenda at such a glacially slow pace that it pulls the wool over the child’s eyes until it is too late. Such abuse is devastatingly damaging, however covert the coercion. Be aware that paedophiles can be totally plausible (unlike those I wrote about in my 6th September, 2000 post), so do not discount this warning as unlikely to happen to your child. We must protect our children (including teens, not just younger children) from these people.

See also:

Links to articles from Taking Children Seriously 10, January 1994, Taking Children Seriously 12, May 1994, Taking Children Seriously 13, July 1994, Taking Children Seriously 14, October 1994, and Taking Children Seriously 16, March 1995, ISSN 1351-5381,