“Has she hitchhiked long distances before? If not, perhaps she would like to try the Outer Hebrides as a trial run before Outer Mongolia?!”
– Sarah Fitz-Claridge
“Our 15-year-old wants to hitchhike to Outer Mongolia by herself. We think she is not yet “street-wise” enough. What should we do?”
She is a sovereign individual. Her life is her own. So as always, morally, you can explain and make suggestions, and ultimately help her to do as she chooses. Has she hitchhiked long distances before? If not, perhaps she would like to try the Outer Hebrides as a trial run before Outer Mongolia. Has she got friends who would like to go too? And so on. If she is still convinced that it’s solo to Mongolia or nothing, then make sure she doesn’t lack for the practicalities.
For example, make sure she has all the latest safety technology including a satellite phone so that she can telephone you or whomever if she wishes, and a RECCO reflector or other means by which she could be found in an emergency. Ensure that she has access to sufficient funds and that she knows how to get more cash should that be necessary. Offer her as much information as possible about Outer Mongolia, including information about cultural differences and any potential problems she might not have considered. Be sure that she knows that you would, if called upon to do so, drop everything and join her in Outer Mongolia.
See also:
- How to read this site
- Is Taking Children Seriously only for the rich?
- How can we express approval when our children do something good without manipulating them by implying that we would disapprove if they had made a different choice?
Sarah Fitz-Claridge, 2022, Taking Children Seriously FAQ: ‘“Our 15-year-old wants to hitchhike to Outer Mongolia by herself. We think she is not yet ‘street-wise’ enough. What should we do?”’, https://takingchildrenseriously.com/our-15-year-old-wants-to-hitchhike-to-outer-mongolia-by-herself-we-think-she-is-not-yet-street-wise-enough-what-should-we-do/