Joke test of taking children seriously
Taking Children Seriously people will cringe at the educational agenda implied by this joke, whereas homeschoolers/unschoolers will find it funny, and others will wonder what it’s all about.
Taking Children Seriously people will cringe at the educational agenda implied by this joke, whereas homeschoolers/unschoolers will find it funny, and others will wonder what it’s all about.
A comment by the then Governor of Oklahoma.
Assuming your children have interests different from yours, are they going to be able to follow those interests, or not?
An argument that the mere fact that something is legal does not make it right or best. Many different things are perfectly legal; not all of them are good.
Does financial supporting our children mean they must obey us? Is it right to expect quid pro quo for our support?
Sense perceptions—physical sensations—DEPEND—on a rather low level—on how one is thinking about them. Observation is theory-laden.
The problem is that when coercion is used, it really doesn’t matter whether your reasons make sense, or whether the task is the right thing to do. They have to do it regardless. It precisely blocks their thinking in that area.
Arguing about whether coercion is really just force or threat of force.
Coercion would be wrong even if it did work, but it often doesn’t. And whether or not it accomplishes its intended effect, it often has unintended effects too.
Whilst being non-coercive can be inconvenient, it is no more inconvenient than being coercive. A child taken seriously has no reason to see adults as adversaries.
We parents delude ourselves that we are doing the right thing, viewing our coercion as ‘necessary’ or ‘unavoidable’.
The primary function of teachers is to hold innocent people against their will (in other contexts known as “imprisonment without trial”), to force them to do things they don’t want to do, to stop them doing things they do want to do, and to “train” (coerce) them to conform.
Whilst age-of-consent laws are intended to protect children, they often fail, and may be counterproductive.